Set Your Sights On Success! AWS CWI tests are not based on your field experience and knowledge from that experience. Test questions are based on information from books instead. To pass the first time you need to consider where you should begin. Most students who have to repeat the tests say "I didn't know there would be so much to it." Carefully consider your knowledge of the topics, like different Welding Processes, Welding Symbols and AWS Terminology before you jump into the CWI course. Experience using Codes, Standards and Specifications and taking written exams is also very important. Which Pathway Should You Choose?

Pathway to Success #1

If You Have:

No recent classroom experience

No recent written testing experience

Mostly Welding or NDE experience


We Suggest These Courses:

Fundamentals of Welding Inspection

CWI Preparatory Option 1 or 2

CWI Pre-Course Online included with Option 1 only.

Pathway to Success #2

If You Have:

Some Inspection experience

Work with Code Books already

Prior Welding or NDE experience

Have taken the test before


We Suggest These Courses:

CWI Pre-Course Online Included with CWI Preparatory Option 1  with 2 Weeks in Classroom

Pathway to Success #3

Prefer Online Training?

Ready to Study at Your Own Pace for 120 days

Disciplined to Set a Study Schedule

Need more than 2 weeks to learn the material

Not a Procrastinator


We Suggest These Courses:

CWI Preparatory Option 2 or 3

Step 1 To Preparing For The AWS CWI Examinations. If you have heard the CWI is difficult, it is true. There are many people who underestimate the amount of learning to be done during the 2-week course. To help our students warm up to the topics covered on the AWS CWI examinations and get ready for the CWI Preparatory, we are now offering a full week in the classroom covering introductory topics such as Welding Processes, Symbols, Destructive and Non-destructive Testing and Hands-on practice with real welded samples, applying real Code criteria.

StartDateEndDateLocationLink to Class
02/10/2502/14/25Ellijay, GAClick Here to Pre-Register
07/07/2507/11/25Hempstead, TXClick Here to Pre-Register

Price:  $900 in Classroom


Part 1: 30 Days Online Pre-Course Study Immediately Prior To Classroom CWI Preparatory.

Videos, just like lectures in class and quizzes that can provide the repetition needed to soak up information prior to entering the classroom environment. Reminder, this is a Pre-course over major topics onlyOnly available for 30 days prior to first time taking Option 1. No extensions or repeats. For NEW students only.

Part 2: Two Week Course In Classroom.

This course is conducted in two consecutive weeks, Monday through Friday, with homework each night and on the weekend during the course. The first week is dedicated to learning Welding Fundamentals and how to use the API 1104 or AWS D1.1, whichever you choose to test with. The second week is dedicated to preparation for the Practical Examination and refining your test taking skills. If you prefer to have an instructor in person for the complete presentation, then this is the course for you. Remember, there is an enormous amount of information to be presented so the course will move at a moderate pace. Completion of all daily homework assignments is a must to be successful. Driving too far each day or entertaining loved ones does not allow the total focus necessary to pack all this information in with just two weeks. A tough two weeks of complete immersion in this course is required!


StartDateEndDateLocationLink to Select ClassPart B TestDateApplication DeadlineFast Track Deadline
1/13/251/24/25Hempstead,TXClick Here to Pre-Register01/25/2512/04/2412/19/24
1/27/252/7/25Pascagoula, MSClick Here to Pre-Register02/08/2512/18/2401/02/25
2/10/252/21/25Ellijay, GAClick Here to Pre-Register02/22/2501/01/2501/16/25
3/3/253/14/25Hempstead, TXClick Here to Pre-Register03/15/2501/22/2502/06/25
3/24/254/4/25Morgan City, LAClick Here to Pre-Register04/05/2502/12/2502/27/25
5/5/255/16/25Hempstead, TXClick Here to Pre-Register05/17/2503/26/2504/10/25
6/2/256/13/25Ellijay, GAClick Here to Pre-Register06/14/2504/23/2505/08/25
6/16/256/27/25Pascagoula, MSClick Here to Pre-Register06/28/2505/07/2505/22/25
7/7/257/18/25Hempstead, TXClick Here to Pre-Register07/19/2505/28/2506/12/25
7/21/258/1/25Morgan City, LAClick Here to Pre-Register08/02/2506/11/2506/26/25
8/4/258/15/25Ellijay, GAClick Here to Pre-Register08/16/2506/25/2507/10/25
9/1/259/12/25Hempstead, TXClick Here to Pre-Register09/13/2507/23/2508/07/25
9/15/259/26/25Pascagoula, MSClick Here to Pre-Register09/27/2508/06/2508/21/25
10/13/2510/24/25Morgan City, LAClick Here to Pre-Register10/25/2509/03/2509/18/25
10/27/2511/7/25Ellijay, GAClick Here to Pre-Register11/08/2509/17/2510/02/25
11/10/2511/21/25Pascagoula, MSClick Here to Pre-Register11/22/2510/01/2510/16/25
12/1/2512/12/25Hempstead, TXClick Here to Pre-Register12/13/2510/22/2511/06/25
StartDateEndDateLocationLink to Select ClassPart B TestDateApplication DeadlineFast Track Deadline

Price:  $1800

Includes Online Pre-Course for 30 Days Prior To Class and

Practice Tests for Part A & Part C for 60 Days After Class to Use Before Prometric Testing!

Retake Price: $1500 Two Weeks –– Retake Price: $750 One Week 

(Does not include Pre-Course)


In all our classes, questions from students are welcome. When something is said in lecture that we don’t understand, we tend to get hung up on that point until we figure it out. We can miss several pages of information while we are trying to figure out just one thing. We have all heard stories of instructors who ignore or refuse to answer questions. Before class, during breaks and after class, we make ourselves available to you for one-on-one discussion of topics pertinent to the course.

PART 1 is 120 Days Online Access to All 3 Preparatory Parts:  Welding Fundamentals, Part B Online And API 1104 OR AWS D1.1. THEN PART 2 is an Extra 40 Hours in Classroom for Part B Practical Hands-On Preparation.  This course layout allows more time to learn the information and still be able to attend the classroom Part B portion of the course. Once the online Welding Fundamentals, Practical (videos and practice questions online) and Code Preparation have been successfully completed, students should possess the knowledge and skills needed for the classroom Practical Exam Preparation week. This week will be dedicated to intense study of the Welding Procedure and Welder Qualification, working with Tools and Plastic Replicas and refining your Test Taking Skills. If the classroom environment and an instructor for the hands-on preparation is preferred but more time to absorb the largest part of the information is needed to pass these exams, consider this layout. Learning all the Welding Fundamentals, Part B Specification and mastering the use of your Open Book prior to the Practical week is critical to your success so study hard and come prepared!


StartDateEndDateLocationLink to Select ClassPart B TestDateAWS Application DeadlineFast Track Deadline
1/20/251/24/25Hempstead,TXClick Here to Pre-Register01/25/2512/04/2412/19/24
2/3/252/7/25Pascagoula, MSClick Here to Pre-Register02/08/2512/18/2401/02/25
2/17/252/21/25Ellijay, GAClick Here to Pre-Register02/22/2501/01/2501/16/25
3/10/253/14/25Hempstead, TXClick Here to Pre-Register03/15/2501/22/2502/06/25
3/31/254/4/25Morgan City, LAClick Here to Pre-Register04/05/2502/12/2502/27/25
5/12/255/16/25Hempstead, TXClick Here to Pre-Register05/17/2503/26/2504/10/25
6/9/256/13/25Ellijay, GAClick Here to Pre-Register06/14/2504/23/2505/08/25
6/23/256/27/25Pascagoula, MSClick Here to Pre-Register06/28/2505/07/2505/22/25
7/14/257/18/25Hempstead, TXClick Here to Pre-Register07/19/2505/28/2506/12/25
7/28/258/1/25Morgan City, LAClick Here to Pre-Register08/02/2506/11/2506/26/25
8/11/258/15/25Ellijay, GAClick Here to Pre-Register08/16/2506/25/2507/10/25
9/8/259/12/25Hempstead, TXClick Here to Pre-Register09/13/2507/23/2508/07/25
9/22/259/26/25Pascagoula, MSClick Here to Pre-Register09/27/2508/06/2508/21/25
10/20/2510/24/25Morgan City, LAClick Here to Pre-Register10/25/2509/03/2509/18/25
11/3/2511/7/25Ellijay, GAClick Here to Pre-Register11/08/2509/17/2510/02/25
11/17/2511/21/25Pascagoula, MSClick Here to Pre-Register11/22/2510/01/2510/16/25
12/8/2512/12/25Hempstead, TXClick Here to Pre-Register12/13/2510/22/2511/06/25


Price  $1450.00

Extend Your Online Access Prior To The Expiration Date
For: $200 for 30 Days

Also Includes Online Practice Tests for 60 Days After Class. Part A & Part C To Use Before Your Prometric Testing!

Retake Week Two Price: $750

Does not include Pre-Course.

Students should review Welding Fundamentals Books before attending!


120 Days Online Access to All Three Preparatory Parts: Welding Fundamentals, Practical Exam Prep and API 1104 Or AWS D1.1 As Well As Plastic Replicas and Tools Sent to You After Deposit for The Last 30 Days Of Your Course. This option of preparing for the CWI exams allows our students to work their studies around their schedule in their own environment. Upon completion of the Welding Fundamentals, and Code Preparation online, plastic replicas and tools will be sent to you upon request for 30 days to use along with the instructional videos for the hands-on portion of the Part B Exam*. Learn to measure weld size, joint preparation, identify and evaluate discontinuities on your terms. For those who can exercise self-discipline, set up a study schedule and adhere to it, this approach would be a win-win. No time away from home or work, no out of town expenses and still get the hands-on practice!

Price: $825.00        New Students One Part Only: $375

Extend Your Online Access For: $200 for 30 Days

Use of Hands-on Tools and Samples Available for the Last 30-Day Period when making a $1000.00 deposit. Refund of $950 when tools and samples are returned in good condition.


120 Days Online Refresher - Videos for the CWI Examinations. If you took one of our course options for CWI within the last 3 years and you think all you need is a structured lesson over the topics one more time, then this is a complete re-run of the material presented in the classroom. Videos, just like lectures in class and questions through the online training will provide an opportunity to get back in the game and hone your skills for the exams.

Price:  $500   For All Three Parts, A, B, & C, after completing Option 1, 2 or 3 below

Price:  $350   For 1 Part Only A, B or C

Learn the Welding Inspector’s Job. Enjoy one full week of hands-on instruction covering all aspects of welding inspection in our shop and classroom facility in Ellijay, GA. The simulated job begins with drawings and materials and ends with NDT and hydro-testing. Qualification of a welding procedure and every stage of welding inspection will be performed and documented. Before stepping out into the world of inspection with a new CWI card, get prepared and, if you are a CWI already, collect 40 hours of training toward the CWI renewal. This course is conducted in the shop and classroom so bring appropriate clothing.

Pre-requisite: CWI or successful completion of Fundamentals of Welding Inspection.

StartDateEndDateLocationLink to Class
02/17/2502/21/25Ellijay, GAClick Here to Pre-Register
06/09/2506/13/25Ellijay, GAClick Here to Pre-Register
11/03/2511/07/25Ellijay, GAClick Here to Pre-Register

Price:  $1050 in Classroom

Class Start Time

All classes begin at 8am and run a minimum of 8 hours each scheduled day. Certification preparatory courses are designed to cover a certain amount of material each day and may take beyond 8 hours. These courses also include a substantial amount of homework.


Cancellation Policy

Cancellation more than 6 weeks prior to the first day of class: Refund paid amount less $275.

Cancellation more than 2 weeks prior to the first day of class: Refund ½ of paid amount less $275.

Cancellation within 2 weeks prior to the first day of class or no-show: Forfeit all fees.